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2017 Kim Wallace

Kim Wallace has made remarkable contributions in the area of justice education both as Canada and World Studies Coordinator at the Halton District Board of Education and most recently with the Ontario Ministry of Education. She was instrumental, along with Justice Forsythe, Kim Wilson and others, in launching the Halton Mock Trial Tournament in 2004.  It continues to be one of the most successful annual Mock Trial Tournaments in Ontario.

Kim Wallace is skilled at establishing connections within the community and bridging sectors.  She formed collaborative relationships with the Halton Catholic District School Board and the Halton County Law Association that have maintained more than a decade later. With the Ontario Ministry of Education she was a part of the team that developed the Grade 12 Legal Studies College Preparation course, CLN4C. This course provided a broader pathway for students in Open and College programs to take 2 years of Law in secondary schools.

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