2020 Miscia Sullivan
Miscia Sullivan is entering her third year at Osgoode Hall Law School. As one of six OJEN Justice Education Fellows in the 2019-20 academic year, Miscia delivered outstanding and innovative programs in her community including an interactive presentation on Safety and Sexting for high school students, which she designed and presented in collaboration with another fellow.

While completing a Bachelor of Social Work student placement at Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO)– with whom we share office space – and later as a member of their staff, she took the opportunity to volunteer with OJEN. She coordinated and co-facilitated mock trial programs for youth and collaborated with justice sector volunteers to provide legal information on police powers to at-risk youth.
Outside of OJEN, Miscia has demonstrated a longstanding commitment to public legal education and a strong passion for working with youth from marginalized communities. She has volunteered with Egale Youth OUTreach Centre, a mental health support centre for street involved LGBTQ youth. She also completed a placement at YouthAction Northern Ireland.
In law school, Miscia completed a placement at the Ontario Human Rights Commission. She also volunteered with the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic where she advocated for women experiencing domestic violence by helping clients navigate the family law court system. She also volunteered with Law in Action Within Schools (LAWS)’ Court Experience Project where she led groups of secondary schools to tour the criminal courts.