2021 Kim Wilson
Kim Wilson is the 11th recipient of the Hux-Kiteley Exemplary Justice Educator Award. Wilson taught for 30 years before retiring in 2020 from Abbey Park High School, part of the Halton District School Board.
Her nominators describe her as passionate about teaching law, and that passion extended well beyond the walls of her classroom.
Starting in 2012, she established and supervised the Legal Eagles Law Club at Abbey Park High School for students who are interested in learning more about law and the legal system. She devoted countless hours to the club bringing fresh ideas for discussions to club members every week and created an environment where students could freely share and debate diverse opinions no matter their background or ideology.

Kim is well known for establishing the annual Youth in Law and Justice Evening. Starting in 2013, Kim organized a banquet for students, law teachers and parents in the Halton region. She invited a keynote speaker, as well as lawyers and other members of the justice community to attend the dinner. Every table included a lawyer and another justice professional so students could network and ask questions of professionals from various areas of law.
Kim encouraged students to take the lead and supported them however possible. In 2019, during the Federal election campaign she supported a student initiative to organize a federal candidates debate. With her help, the Legal Eagles hosted a successful debate with all the local candidates in attendance. Kim also organized mock elections at Abbey Park in partnership with the Civics program.
Beyond Abbey Park High School, however, Kim has made lasting contributions to justice education in the Halton Region. Kim was a leader in establishing the high school mock trial program in the Halton region in 2008 and supported other law teachers in both the public and Catholic high schools to participate. When the OJEN committee was formed in Halton, Kim became an active member representing the education community. She has been instrumental in organizing the annual mock trial tournament until her retirement.
Congratulations, Kim Wilson!