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University of Ottawa Student Receives Inaugural Tate Herbert Memorial Post-Secondary Award

Suzie Bouchard, a recent graduate from the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, is the inaugural recipient of the Tate Herbert Memorial Post-Secondary Award.  As a Project Officer sitting on the OJEN Ottawa Regional Committee, she brought forward important Francophone issues and showed great leadership in French language programming.  She organized fellow law students at […]

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Connecting Experiential Learning to Law and Government Studies

As a pre-service teacher in the Greater Toronto Area I have spent countless hours in classrooms both teaching and observing over the better part of the last few years. Although I appreciate the value of textbooks to support learning, I feel that learning about the Canadian government as an 11 year old 5th grader would […]

REGISTER NOW for Know Where We Stand: Navigating City Properties

Location: Toronto Police College – 70 Birmingham Street, Toronto The City of Toronto’s Crisis Response Program (CCRP), Toronto Youth Equity Strategy (TYES), and the Ontario Justice Education Network (OJEN) are pleased to offer a FREE two day justice education training workshop series, that gives Youth Workers, youth leaders and those who provide support to youth […]

Restorative Justice in Justice Education

This February, Nicole, an education student at Lakehead University and a Project Officer for the Ontario Justice Education Network (OJEN) headed back to her alma mater, Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School (DFC) in Thunder Bay, to deliver a four session justice education project that compared and contrasted sentencing circles with sentencing hearings. The workshop took […]

REGISTER NOW for the 2015 Summer Law Institute!

Location: Osgoode Hall, 130 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON The OJEN Summer Law Institute gives Ontario teachers an opportunity to participate in presentations and discussion with judges and lawyers about timely legal issues that enhance classroom teaching and learning. Early Bird Registration Fee (before July 15, 2015): $60 Registration Fee After July 15, 2015: $90 […]

Funding for Students!

Bursaries are available to grade 12 students in Ontario, who have enrolled in a post-secondary institution and who plan to pursue a career in the justice sector. Bursaries are available annually to students in each Ontario judicial region. Click here to apply. DEADLINE: Friday, April 24, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Contact:

Regional Roundup – Law Day 2015

Congratulations to all the regional committees who organized Law Day activities throughout the province! It has been really great hearing about all the fun and innovative ways everyone has found to commemorate the signing of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms into law. Here is a small sampling of the justice education projects that […]

Announcing Canada’s Next Top Law 2015!

OJEN is proud to announce the winner of this year’s Canada’s Next Top Law competition: the Mandatory Voting proposal by RH King Academy. Here’s a summary: “The Proposal:  Introduce a new law to mandate that every eligible person in Canada who has the right to vote must do so. People who disobey their duty to vote […]

Maurice Anderson Receives 2014 Chief Justices’ Award

Maurice Anderson was the Courtrooms & Classrooms Coordinator at 361 University Court house for nine years until his retirement in December 2014.  During his time in this role he established strong collaborative relationships with justice professionals at both the Superior Court and the Court of Appeal, recruiting judges and masters as well as Crown/Prosecutors for […]

Contest – Canada’s Next Top Law

Teachers, do you want to celebrate Law Week in your classroom? Are you interested in having your students propose social change through legal action? If so, participate in Canada’s Next Top Law online contest! Each year, the Ontario Justice Education Network brings high school students together to celebrate Law Week and to encourage active citizenship. […]

Learning from our Sistahs in Law

Daniels Spectrum Community Centre in Toronto, Ontario for the 8th annual “Sistahs in Law” event. This event partnered black female lawyers from the Black Female Lawyer Network with students through the Ontario Justice Education Network. There is significance of the event being held at Daniels Spectrum is that it is seen as a “cultural hub” […]

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