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OJEN 2023 Donor Wall

As a not-for-profit, charitable organization, donations are extremely important to us. Unlike project funding that is tied to specific activities, individual donations can be directed to areas where it is needed most. Donations allow us to respond to unexpected circumstances and requests for programs that would otherwise not be possible. 

Champion $5,000 to $15,000

Lerners LLP

Advocate $1,000 to $4999

Edward Herbert

Allan Hux

Anne Molloy

Katrina Mulligan

Family $250 – $999


Credit Bureau Collections

Breese Davies

Mandi Hardy

Russell Martin

Supporter $100 – $249

Emma Barz 

Sarah Danial

Frances Kiteley

Ally Longhurst

Glenn McKenny

Linda Powell

Isabel Rodriguez

Thel Simpson

Lorie Vogels

Riley Vogels

Corrine Wilson

Kelly Wilson

Friend $20 – $99

Kevin Feheley

Jan Haskings

…and for the donors and runners who supported OJEN’s 2023 Toronto Waterfront Marathon

Charitable registration number: 85548 9134 RR0001

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