Braiding Diversity into Justice – Ottawa Region
For many young people, women and gender diverse youth in particular, a career in law may feel out of their reach. Braiding Diversity into Justice and other OJEN career modelling programs help young people of all backgrounds “see themselves in law” by introducing them to legal professionals with whom they share similar experiences. The goal of these programs is to show that there is a place for everyone in the legal profession regardless of socio-economic status, disability, migration, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, or religion.
In Ottawa, OJEN’s Ottawa Committee presents this program, which showcases a variety of legal professionals, emphasizing the different careers in justice and the non-linear pathways to reach them.
Braiding Diversity into Justice 2023 / Tisser la diversité en justice 2023
When: November 8, 2023, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Quand: Le 8 Novembre 2023, de 9h a 17h.
Where: Ottawa Courthouse, 161 Elgin Street.
Où: Palais de justice D’Ottawa – 161 Rue Elgin.
Join us at Ottawa’s first Braiding Diversity into Justice event! This event encourages young women between the ages of 15 to 22 to connect with women in the legal field. Attend panels, network with legal professionals, and tour the Ottawa courthouse with us.
Soyez des nôtres au premier événement « Tisser la diversité en justice » à Ottawa! Cet événement permet à de jeunes femmes de 15 à 22 ans de nouer des liens avec des femmes qui travaillent dans le secteur juridique. Joignez-vous à nous pour participer à des tables rondes, réseauter avec des membres de la profession juridique et visiter le palais de justice d’Ottawa.
Register Here / Inscrivez-vous ici