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newcomer programs

London OJEN Committee Organizes Law Institute for Teachers

On Friday, February 23, the London OJEN Committee is offering a full day Law Institute, the first in that city since 2005. It will be hosted by the University of Western Ontario Faculty of Law. The committee put together a day of sessions led by an incredible lineup of speakers from the local legal community.

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What Justice Sector Volunteers Learn from OJEN’s Justice Education Programs

Often, justice sector volunteers (including but not limited to law students, lawyers and judges) come to their first OJEN program excited to bestow their knowledge about the Canadian legal system upon interested youth.  Seldom do they approach their initial program thinking it will be an opportunity for professional development, beyond the law based preparation required.  […]

Using Theatre to Promote Legal Capability (and have a great time while you’re at it!)

When is the last time you played? I’m not talking about playing basketball or a board game or some game on your phone. I mean really played, and let go of everything! Like when you were a kid. It seems like once we hit our teen years, we stop playing games and being silly. Games […]

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