Taille de la Police:

Ottawa Mock Trial Tournament


The Ottawa Mock Trial Tournament began in 2016 and is open to all secondary schools located in the City of Ottawa.

2025 Tournament Information

Tournament location: Ottawa Courthouse, 161 Elgin St

Preliminary Rounds: May 6

Final Rounds: May 7

2025 Registration

Once you’ve completed the registration form below, please email oocmt@ojen.ca to indicate whether your team(s) are participating in English or French.

Registration closes on March 1 (or when full).

Register Here

Past Champions


2019: Collège Catholique Samuel-Genest


2019: St. Mother Teresa High School

Combined English and French:

2018: Colonel By Secondary School

2017: Longfields-Davidson Heights Secondary School

2016: Longfields-Davidson Heights Secondary School

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