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Get Involved

OJEN is first and foremost a network of committed individuals. The goodwill of volunteers is the backbone of what we do, and we need your help! Our volunteers include teachers, lawyers, judges, justices of the peace, students, and more.

There are a number of different ways that you can contribute to OJEN’s work. Take a look at the options below, or contact us at if you have something in mind which doesn’t fit into one of the these categories.

Volunteer on an OJEN project

If you are interested in volunteering to either facilitate…

Volunteer on an OJEN project

Make a donation

OJEN is a small, not-for-profit charitable organization…

Make a donation

Write, review or translate a resource

OJEN relies on the support of expert volunteers to produce…

Write, review or translate a resource

Join our team

OJEN’s staff come from the justice, education and community-building…

Join our team

Request a project

OJEN works with community groups and alternative education…

Request a project

Host a teacher training

OJEN partners with great organizations to deliver high-quality…

Host a teacher training

Join a local committee

Across Ontario, people working in law and education form…

Join a local committee

Fundraise for us

As a small, not-for-profit charitable organization with…

Fundraise for us

Sponsor us

OJEN is a small not-for-profit, charitable organization with…

Sponsor us

Write a blog posting

OJEN’s Blog is a place for staff and volunteers to share…

Write a blog posting

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