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OJEN provides professional development and training in justice education for teachers, youth workers, and other community stakeholders in a variety of ways.

Our training is based on respect and appreciation for all of our partners. OJEN doesn’t try to teach teachers how to teach better.  We don’t tell youth workers how to relate to youth. But, we do provide tools, ideas, expertise, questions, and conversations that will help you to help young people learn about the justice system.

For Teachers

OJEN provides educational materials and free or low-cost professional development opportunities for teachers who are helping youth learn about the justice system.

For Justice Sector Volunteers

OJEN offers training and continuing education opportunities for our valued justice sector volunteers who share our commitment of providing the best possible learning experience for youth.

For Community Workers

OJEN offers a limited number of free or low-cost workshops for community workers who share our commitment to helping youth build their legal capability.

OJEN Facilitator Training

OJEN provides specialized facilitator training to volunteers who deliver our projects to young people.

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