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Bursaries for Grade 12 Students Pursuing Studies Toward a Career in Law

Bursaries are available to grade 12 students in Ontario, pursuing post-secondary studies related to the many careers in the justice system at an Ontario University or College.

These bursaries have been created to assist students who demonstrate academic excellence and commitment to their studies and who are in financial need. Bursaries are offered by the Association of Justices of the Peace of Ontario (AJPO), the Association of Ontario Judges (AOJ) and the Ontario Superior Court Judges’ Association (OSCJA). Judges and Justices of the Peace review each application and select the recipients. Each association offers one bursary per year in each of their judicial regions for a total of 22 bursaries province-wide!

Association of Justices of the Peace of Ontario – Amount: $1500  (7 awards)

Association of Ontario Judges – Amount: $1000  (7 awards)

Ontario Superior Court Judges’ Association – Amount:  $1000   (8 awards)

Details of the Bursary Program:

Application Process Opens: 10 March 2025

Student applications due: 28 May 2025 at 5:00 p.m. ET

References due: 30 May 2025 at 5:00 p.m. ET

Recipients will be notified by: mid-August 2025

Only applicants with complete application and reference forms will be considered.

Type of Award: Bursary

Renewable: No

Number Available: 22

Bursary program application steps:

1. You can prepare several parts of your application in advance:

  • Find someone to be your academic reference. This person can be your teacher, principal, guidance counsellor, supervisor, or mentor who can confirm that you are eligible for this bursary. They should be aware of your grades, whether you are active in the school community, and whether you are interested in law and justice. 
  • Write a short essay (250 words max) on why you should be considered for this bursary. In this essay, you could also include the justice sector career you are interested in pursuing and demonstrate how your post-secondary program will help you achieve this goal.
    As there are many pathways to a career in law, we are open to consider various post-secondary programs. The important thing is for you to articulate why you are interested in a career in the justice sector, and how your post-secondary program will support that. For example, many applicants are entering a program with a social justice or government focus, in which understanding the law is a professional benefit. Sociology, political science, equity studies, psychology are also common majors.

2. Fill in the application form. Student applications are due on 28 May 2025 at 5:00 p.m. ET Only complete applications will be considered. We recommend using your personal email when applying, as often you may lose access to your school email after graduation.

3. Please contact your academic reference and ensure that they fill in your reference form by May 30, 2025. Your reference form is necessary for you to remain eligible for a bursary.

4. Only final recipients will be contacted in Mid-August. We thank you for your interest in the program and we wish you the best of luck with the rest of your studies.

For Teachers:

To provide a reference for your student, please complete the Bursary Reference Form.



22 students awarded justice education bursaries in 2024,” 2024.

The 2023 bursary program: another successful year,” 2023.

2021 Bursaries for Students Beginning Studies Toward Justice Sector Careers,” 2021.

22 Students Receive Bursaries toward a Career in Justice,” 2019.

Lombardy student’s initiative, tenacity earn justice bursary,” 2019.

Twenty Bursaries Given to Ontario High School Graduates,” 2018.



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