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From the OJEN Blog

Charter Challenge: A message to all grade 11 &12 Law teachers!

Did you like our mock trials? If so, you will love the Charter Challenge.
The Charter Challenge is Ontario’s only mock appeal competition for secondary schools. Each semester, OJEN releases a mock judicial decision in which complex Charter issues are raised on appeal. Students all over Ontario form teams and choose one side of the appeal to ‘represent.’ They research and write a factum with legal arguments in favour of the appellant or the respondent. The two winning teams are invited to make their arguments in person at the Court of Appeal for Ontario in Toronto, before a panel of real judges.

Registration for the 2019 Fall Charter Challenge is now open! You can easily register by completing and submitting the form you will find here. For more information contact Thomas Gallezot ( or 416-761-9963 ext 230)

Are you up to the challenge?

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