Vote for OJEN! Help us Win $10,000
In April OJEN is entering a contest to win $10,000.
Our payroll company, ADP, is giving a grant of $10,000 and free payroll service for a year to the client that gets the most votes on their web page. People who register can vote for us once a day throughout the month of April.
Previous winners have had several thousand votes, so we can’t do it without help from as many of our friends and supporters as possible.
Voting is easy!
Go to the ADP website:
On your first visit you’ll get a pop-up window asking you to register. Enter your name and email address, then, click “Vote”. Really easy! It takes about 20 seconds.
Once you are registered, you can click on this direct link every day and vote for us:
If we win the $10,000, the funds will help us expand our Family Law for Young Parents (FLYP) project! It’s a great project we piloted last year that familiarizes young mothers and fathers with laws and processes they might encounter in their lives. It really deserves the funds! Fingers crossed!