We’re excited to share new opportunities for your classroom’s learning and inclusivity efforts:
Our friends from the Childhood Arrivals Support and Advocacy (CASA) program at Justice for Children and Youth legal clinic (JFCY) are providing services for students who arrived in Canada as children but are living here without immigration status (often known by the term ‘Dreamers’ in the US).
CASA provides free and confidential legal support and guidance in navigating systems and safely accessing services. CASA outreaches through its high school classroom workshops that are engaging and of interest to all students, but include information for youth facing immigration precarity.
CASA workshops are free, curriculum-linked, require no preparation by teachers, and are beneficial to your whole class. Through discussion and critical thinking activities, they explore themes of migration, citizenship, belonging, personal agency, and rights. They fit well in courses such as Grade 9 Geography, Grade 10 Civics, and Grade 10 Career Studies.
CASA can also craft workshops for senior high school students, as well as teachers, guidance counsellors, school administrators, and school boards on CASA’s work and the barriers faced by young people in Canada without immigration status. All workshops are free and delivered through a supportive, rights-centered lens.
You can request a CASA workshop through this form. To learn more, visit jfcy.org/en/casa or email krishng@lao.on.ca.