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OJEN has a new website!

If you visit our site regularly, you’ve probably noticed that a few things have changed around here. We are very proud to present our new website, which launches today! In addition to a revitalized new look, we’ve introduced some new elements which we hope will make your life easier in a couple of ways.


  1. The same resources, better organized.
    You will notice that our menus have changed. All of our resources and program information are still available, but they have been re-organized so they’re easier to find. Still, we know this can take some getting used to. Here are a few of the changes.

    1. Classroom Resources: You can find all of our resources at Resources > Classroom Resources in the header bar. There you’ll find a familiar search feature.
    2. Annual Events and Programs: Many of our most popular programs – like Trailblazers, Charter Challenge, Poster Challenge, and the OOCMT – only happen once or twice a year. All of these programs that OJEN schedules can now be found at Our Work > Annual Events and Programs. Of course, we’ll continue to announce important deadlines in our News section and through our front page.
    3. Justice Education Projects: If you are an educator or community partner looking to find out what programs OJEN could run with your youth group, you can browse our most popular options under Our Work > Justice Education Projects. All of these programs are adaptable for various audiences.  
  2. Improved search function.
    If you’d rather just search for a keyword, use the magnifying class at the top right of our header bar. We now have a smarter search system in place that shows results in order of relevance.
  3. Quick links from the front page.
    Icons right on the front page take you directly to the pages and forms that are most commonly used on our site. Book a time to bring your class to a courthouse, request a classroom speaker, and more.

But there’s still a lot more to look forward to. The French version of our site is under construction and will be available shortly; thank you for your patience while we polish it up. In the meantime, you can find some of our most popular classroom resources available in one place at French Resources. If you’re looking for something that isn’t available on the website, you can email

Over the next few months, the new Training section of our site will come to feature professional development events for teachers (including our upcoming Windsor Law Institute), training for OJEN volunteers, and resources for justice sector workers who do youth outreach. We hope you will find this a useful tool that will help support you in delivering ever-stronger legal education for youth in Ontario. 

In the interim, thanks for your patience while we work out some of the kinks, and welcome to the new site! Your comments or suggestions are always welcome at

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