Youth from Regent Park Focus -Youth Media Arts Centre combined learning broadcast skills with justice education. The project concluded with participants using their media skills to interview justice professionals and filming them for television segments.
OJEN turned 15 this year!
Since 2002, OJEN’s programs and resources have impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of young people throughout Ontario. And we’re just getting started! Looking ahead to 2018 and beyond, we’re excited about opportunities to expand our justice education initiatives to new youth audiences. We know that providing young people with legal life skills is one important contributing factor towards ensuring greater access to justice.
Between now and the end of 2017, we’ll be posting 15 significant OJEN achievements or initiatives – reasons we think you’ll want to give us an extra-special year-end present!
Reason #1
OJEN empowers youth through education and dialogue.
“Before this project, I didn’t know very much about the law. I knew about lawyers but I had no idea what a paralegal was. I didn’t know organizations like OJEN existed. I learned a lot. And now, I can refer back to it. If I didn’t know, I would probably just give up. Now I know what to do and where to go for help. We can advocate for ourselves, and our friends. And that can bring a change.”
Maeashah Haque – 17-year-old participant from Regent Park Focus
OJEN’s justice education programs emphasize experiential learning and opportunities to engage with justice sector professionals. Youth develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that help them become legally capable citizens, prepared to manage conflicts in their own lives and work toward positive change in their communities.
You can help empower youth by supporting OJEN’s justice education programming through a donation to our 15th Birthday Campaign! Donate here!
From the OJEN Blog