Teachers test the Access to Justice game at the Toronto Summer Law Institute .
OJEN turned 15 this year!
Since 2002, OJEN’s programs and resources have impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of young people throughout Ontario. And we’re just getting started! Looking ahead to 2018 and beyond, we’re excited about opportunities to expand our justice education initiatives to new youth audiences. We know that providing young people with legal life skills is one important contributing factor towards ensuring greater access to justice.
Between now and the end of 2017, we’ll be posting 15 significant OJEN achievements or initiatives – reasons we think you’ll want to give us an extra-special year-end present!
Reason #3
OJEN provides quality professional development and classroom resources for high school teachers.
“As an educator I’ve been an enthusiastic OJEN supporter since it first came on the scene 15 years ago. I’ve been extremely grateful for the wealth of excellent teaching materials on its website and used many of them in my classroom over the years. The plain language writing, suggested curriculum links, classroom activities and evaluation ruberics, make them excellent resources. I’ve recommended them for new and experienced law teachers alike. Likewise, OJEN’s Teacher Law Institutes and PD seminars, are unique opportunities for an up-close look at current legal issues and the people at their centre.”
Jan Haskings-Winner – Co-Chair, OJEN’s Board of Directors and teacher with the Toronto District School Board
OJEN creates innovative programs and classroom resources to help teachers of law, civics, social sciences and other subjects to engage their students and meet curriculum expectations. When we support teachers’ capacity to teach about the justice system, their students are better equipped to manage legal issues that arise in their lives. By working with teachers, OJEN exponentially increases our ability to reach young people throughout the province.
That’s why we:
- develop curriculum-linked classroom resources and make them available free to download in French and English.
- provide free or at-cost professional development for teachers province-wide
- offer opportunities for students to connect with legal professionals in the classroom and to observe the law in action at local courthouses.
Check out over 200 classroom resources on the OJEN website and help us continue producing relevant and engaging programs and resources for teachers by donating to our 15th Birthday Campaign.