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External Resources

OJEN benefits from a network of partners and colleagues who work to advance learning about law and justice. Below you will find resources from these organisations, as well as stories, resources and other finds from around the web that might help to engage students.

  • Facing History and Ourselves has compiled a collection of teacher resources to use during school closures with a strong emphasis on social justice.
  • Book a virtual speaker or download rights-based resources with the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.
  • Covid-19 and the law: Community Legal Education Ontario is doing amazing work tracking ways in which the pandemic impacts the law and the justice system in Ontario.
  • The Justice Education Society of British Columbia does work similar to OJEN’s. Check out their collection of well-organised lesson plans and other teacher resources , but keep in mind that some of their lesson plans involve law that only applies in British Columbia.
  • Check out this amazing series of short articles on teachers, students and rights to free expression from the Centre for Free Expression at Ryerson University!

  • Remote Courts Worldwide – Students can explore and report on how different court systems are responding to the corona virus and social distancing around the world.
  • Elections Canada has a terrific collection of resources focusing on civic engagement and democracy, including adaptations for online instruction. Have a look!
  • The Idle No More movement came to prominence in 2013 as a grassroots reaction to treaty disputes between First Nations and the federal government. “Trick or Treaty” is a documentary that provides context for the movement by exploring issues related to the signing of Treaty 9, which covers much of Ontario. To support remote learning, he National FIlm Board is offering free subscriptions for teachers to access study guides to this and other documentaries. Consider using OJEN’s In Focus: Idle No More as a learning supplement!
  • Civix is a terrific, national organization focused on building authentic active citizenship and informed democratic participation in Canadian youth. Check out to access their terrific new resource, “CTRL-F”, a distance learning module that uses the COVID-19 pandemic as a case study to help teach students simple verification skills they can use to determine the reliability of sources and evaluate the accuracy of news and information.
  • Do you and your students want to get a sense of how the pandemic is affecting a broad range of legal issues in Canada and internationally? Check out this summary of Covid and threats to human rights from Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights. Assign two-minute reports on topics like refugee rights, protecting prison populations and privacy concerns in the age of pandemic!

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