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Register now for the Fall 2020 Charter Challenge

Are you looking for an engaging activity that works for both virtual or physical classrooms? The Charter Challenge is Ontario’s only mock appeal competition for secondary schools, and it adapts well as both a remote and in-person activity for students anywhere in the province. OJEN will release a mock judicial decision in which complex Charter […]

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Ontario Students Receive Bursaries

Each year the Association of Justices of the Peace of Ontario (AJPO), the Association of Ontario Judges (AOJ) and the Ontario Superior Court Judges’ Association (OSCJA) provide a bursaries to Ontario students in each of their judicial regions who are entering post secondary studies leading to a career in the justice sector.  Recipients are chosen […]

Webinar: Understanding the Legal Aid System in Ontario

Where do low-income Ontarians get free or affordable legal help? Most people know that legal aid exists, but do you know how it actually works? Teachers, join us on October 20 to dive into how Legal Aid operates, from a panel of lawyers who have been working in the system for years. We will review […]

Recruiting Francophone Volunteers

OJEN is looking for 11 Francophone justice sector volunteers to act as advisors to our new French Youth Leadership Team.  With a grant from the Ministry of Canadian Heritage, OJEN has embarked on an ambitious two-year project to create a French version of our successful Charter Challenge program. This mock appeal program will give French-speaking […]

Navigating Police Encounters

Over the past several months, OJEN staff have worked hard to adapt many of our existing public legal education programs for remote delivery… Unfortunately, not all of our programs work well on Zoom or Google Meet, and in some cases, we have had to put programs on hold. The multi-session Youth-Police Dialogues (YPD) program, which […]

Introducing OJEN’s 2020-21 Justice Education Fellows

Each year, OJEN offers Justice Education Fellowships to six law students attending Ontario universities.  Chosen for their commitment to social justice and interest in working with youth, Fellows put their passion into practice supporting justice education activities for youth in their communities. We are pleased to welcome this years’ cohort of students: Nehmat Bedar from […]

Ministry of Canadian Heritage funding advances OJEN’s Francophone programming

Press release: [EN] Canadian Heritage Funding Download

OJEN School Programs to the End of 2020

The continuing COVID-19 pandemic has required OJEN to suspend school-based, in-person programming for the remainder of 2020. While some of our programs are on hold, we have adapted others to an online format and added new virtual programs. The list below shows the status of OJEN’s main school-based programs this fall:             Classrooms visits & virtual […]

7th annual Tate’s Tableaux: Covid-19 Edition

Each year the Herbert family holds an event to honour the memory of their son, Tate, and raise money for the Ontario Justice Education Network. In 2013, Tate had just completed his second year in the Law and Society degree program at Wilfrid Laurier University when he was tragically taken by cancer.  Supporting OJEN is […]

OJEN Pairs Justice Education Workshops with Research Study

OJEN has partnered with Calibrate Solutions to undertake a small research project funded by Justice Canada that looks at the access to justice needs of young Black adults.  The project is part of a national survey gathering qualitative data on the experiences of minority populations with serious legal problems.   Throughout July and August, small […]

Summer Law Institute 2020 webinar series

OJEN is excited to offer a series of free webinars featuring leaders in a variety of areas of law and justice. The series takes the place of our two-day, in-person Summer Law Institute. The series includes six webinars beginning on July 22nd and running weekly until August 25th. You can access up-to-the-minute information on current […]

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