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Update from the OJEN Office: COVID-19

June 2, 2020 As educators adapt to remote teaching challenges and community organizations move towards online service delivery, OJEN is finding new ways to support our partners with meaningful justice education initiatives. Support for Remote Teaching and Learning New pages on our website highlight OJEN classroom resources that are well-suited for distance learning. OJEN staff […]

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Call for applications: OJEN Justice Education Fellowships 2020-2021

OJEN is now accepting applications from Ontario law students for six (6) Justice Education Fellowship positions in 2020-2021. If you are a student at an eligible law school and you have a passion for public legal education and community outreach, we encourage you to apply. The eligible law schools are: Queen’s University, Faculty of Law […]

Law Students Deliver PLE on Safety and Sexting

Each year, OJEN’s Justice Education Fellowship program provides Public Legal Education training and experience to a select group of Ontario law students.  Before the start of the fall semester, Fellows meet with OJEN staff to learn about our justice education project models, facilitation techniques for youth audiences and tips for working with teachers, volunteers and […]

Introducing OJEN to Ontario’s Teacher Candidates

Educator Support staff are on the road introducing OJEN’s free resources and services to faculties of education across Ontario.  In a year when labour action restricts teachers’ ability to attend professional development sessions, OJEN has refocused our attention on teacher candidates. Since the beginning of the year, Director of Educator Support, Nat Paul, has visited […]

Frontline Worker Training Series – Support through the Justice System Training

Approximately 80 frontline workers attended a full day Supporting Youth Through the Justice System training delivered by OJEN on January 28th.  In partnership with the City of Toronto Youth Development Unit and Toronto Youth Equity Strategy and in collaboration with Nikki Knows, the workshop clarified for frontline workers what happens when a youth is charged […]

Waterloo Region Mock Trial 2020

The OBA/OJEN Competitive Mock Trials (OOCMT) for High School Students is a partnership between the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) and the Ontario Justice Education Network (OJEN). We invite high school students to find their local mock trial competition, register a team, and participate in the province-wide tournament. The OBA and OJEN launched the competition for Waterloo Region […]

OJEN Partners on Access to Justice Week Conference

On October 31st, OJEN (Ontario Justice Education Network), CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario), and the Law Society of Ontario presented a day-long conference as part of Ontario’s 4thannual Access to Justice Week.  Widening the Circle: Public Legal Education and Access to Justice, addressed current and emerging topics in public legal education and information. In his […]

Call for Mock Trial Participants!

Calling all teachers! The OBA/OJEN Competitive Mock Trials (OOCMT) season is well underway! Registration is now open for all of our tournaments across the province, so visit the OJEN website to find your local region and register a team from your school: Also on the site you will find this year’s case scenario, which all […]

New Ontario Trillium Foundation Funding

OJEN is pleased to announce new funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) to pilot the Family Law for Young Mothers program in the Hamilton area.  Family Law for Young Mothers: Challenge and Change, is program for vulnerable young women who are pregnant or have babies.  While becoming a mother is in itself enormously challenging, […]

OJEN Partners on Access to Justice Week Conference

On October 31st, OJEN (Ontario Justice Education Network), CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario), and the Law Society of Ontario presented a day-long conference as part of Ontario’s 4thannual Access to Justice Week.  Widening the Circle: Public Legal Education and Access to Justice, addressed current and emerging topics in public legal education and information. In his […]

Steps to Justice – Criminal Law Module

“Can the police stop me on the street and ask for my ID?” “Should I sign a peace bond to deal with my criminal case?” “What can happen if I miss my court date?” These are a few of the questions posed in the Steps to Justice – Criminal Law resource, now available on the […]

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