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OJEN’s Annual Network Meeting Focuses on Youth-Police Dialogues

OJEN’s March 27th meeting of Network partners brought together high-level decision makers from leading justice, education and community-building sectors.  Presided over by the Chief Justices of the three Ontario courts, this annual meeting is a forum for sharing ideas and finding synergies that can advance OJEN’s justice education activities.  Each year, the Network meeting focuses […]

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Register Now for the 2019 Summer Law Institute!

Date: Tuesday, August 27th and Wednesday, August 28th, 2019 Location: Osgoode Hall, 130 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON The OJEN Summer Law Institute gives Ontario teachers an opportunity to participate in presentations and discussions with judges and lawyers about timely legal issues that enhance classroom teaching and learning. Early Bird Registration Fee:  $65 until July 15, 2019 […]

Bursaries for Students Pursuing Careers in the Justice Sector

Do you have grade 12 students who are going into post-secondary studies leading to a career in the justice sector? The Association of Justices of the Peace of Ontario (AJPO), the Association of Ontario Judges and the Ontario Superior Court Judges’ Association (OSCJA) provide bursaries to students entering Ontario University or College programs that will […]

Nominate a Justice Education Champion!

Do you know an exceptional justice educator… someone who goes above and beyond the call of duty to make law come to life for their students?  OJEN is accepting nominations for the Hux-Kiteley Exemplary Justice Educator Award.  The Hux-Kiteley Exemplary Justice Educator Award is an annual award for educators in Ontario who have shown exceptional […]

New From OJEN – Classroom Presentations on Buying and Selling a Home

OJEN is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Lawyers Professional Indemnity Company (LAWPRO) to offer in-school presentations with real estate lawyers on the purchase and sale of a house. This session is linked to the A Foot in the Door resource, which is available on the OJEN website. This six-module resource provides an […]

Register for the Kingston Student Law Symposium

Limited space is still available for the Kingston Student Law Symposium on Tuesday, April 30th. Organized by the Kingston OJEN Committee, this full day event is hosted by the Queen’s University Faculty of Law and includes presentations on a variety of current legal issues.   Sessions include: So you Want to be a Lawyer plus […]

Call for applications: OJEN Justice Education Fellowships 2019-20

OJEN is now accepting applications from Ontario law students for six (6) Justice Education Fellowship positions in 2019-20. If you are a student at an eligible law school and you have a passion for public legal education and community outreach, we encourage you to apply. The eligible law schools are:   Lakehead University, University of […]

Checks & Balances: Increase Understanding of New Street Check Rules

As of January 1, 2017, new regulations came into effect in Ontario that sought to clarify the procedure police officers must follow when they ask civilians to identify themselves.  This practice, commonly referred to as street checks or carding, has been extremely controversial, disproportionately affecting people of colour and minorities. The new rules attempt to […]

“Shield Your Rights” Game Moves into Development Stage

A grant from the Law Foundation of Ontario’s (LFO) Responsive Grants program is funding the development of a game-based learning tool designed by and for Indigenous youth.  The concept for the game, a quest for knowledge about legal rights, came from last year’s Aboriginal Youth Designing a Better Justice System project. Aboriginal Youth Designing a […]

Why You Should Give OJEN’s Charter Challenge a Try

Registration for the Spring 2020 Charter Challenge is open. The  Charter Challenge is Ontario’s only mock appeal competition for secondary schools. Each semester, OJEN releases a mock judicial decision in which complex Charter issues are raised on appeal. Students all over Ontario form teams and choose one side of the appeal to ‘represent.’ They research […]

Introducing the Kingston OJEN Committee

OJEN’s family of local committees is growing! In January, representatives from Kingston’s legal and education communities met to discuss ways they could provide enriched justice education experiences for local students and youth.  Home to Queen’s University Law School and an active legal community, Kingston is well situated to be an important support for OJEN’s justice […]

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