Civil Law Mock Trial Scenario: Opolsky v. Jaswal and Pasha (Defamation)
This mock trial scenario package includes a fact scenario, a description of the relevant law, background information for witnesses, a statement of claim, and a statement of defence. For each OJEN civil law mock trial, there are three packages: an OJEN Civil Law Mock Trial Scenario; the OJEN Civil Law Mock Trial Role Preparation Package; and the OJEN Civil Law Mock Trial Justice Sector Volunteer Package.
Grade 12 student Bruce Opolsky was the subject of a Facebook group called “Bruce is a Cheater” that was created by fellow students Tahiya Jaswal and Jordan Pasha. As a result of the discussion postings on the group’s site, Bruce was benched from his high school wrestling team and denied a job as a summer camp counsellor. In response, Bruce Opolsky sued Tahiya Jaswal and Jordan Pasha for defamation.
Date Produced: 2010