New for fall 2021, teachers can request specially-trained legal volunteers join their classes to run any of OJEN’s Steps to Justice workshops! Designed to be delivered in 60-75 minutes, these workshops introduce students to Community Legal Education Ontario’s (CLEO) Steps to Justice website, a legally-accurate and up-to-date resource for finding answers and support for the most commonly-encountered questions in various areas of everyday law. Your students will learn how to use the website while they zero in on topics like family, housing or employment law by working through engaging scenarios with an expert on hand to answer their questions!
You can see a full list of topics offered here. To request a workshop, visit our Request a Speaker page and submit the form there. Just use the “Subject Matter” field to indicate which Steps to Justice workshop you would like to have, and OJEN will follow up with you within a week!
Also, over the months to come, OJEN will be suggesting webinars to provide even more context and support teachers’ capacity building in different areas and topics. If you are interested in our Steps to Justice Employment Law Workshop, you might also be interested in watching our recent webinar, “Going from Student to Staff: Issues facing young workers in 2021”. Join labour and employment lawyers Joshua Mandryk (Goldblatt Partners LLP) and Ryan White, Cavalluzzo LLP), as they discuss unpaid internships, gig apps, work-credit programs, and other legal issues in youth employment!