Webinar Archive
Browse through our archive of recorded webinars and workshops. To see and register for upcoming ones, visit this page.
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An Overview of Refugee Protection in Canada
Our last webinar of the year gives an overview of refugee protections in Canada. In this webinar, you will learn about what distinguishes a refugee from an immigrant, how one claims refugee protection, who can sponsor refugees to come to Canada as well as the guiding legal frameworks for this area of law, the Immigration […]

Pride and Protest: A Celebration or Fight for Rights?
In celebration of National Coming Out Day, (October 11th), this free webinar explores human rights and advocacy issues that are currently facing 2SLGBTQ+ communities in Canada. It examines the heightened levels of homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia, interpersonal and structural racism, intimate-partner violence, and other forms of violence facing queer, trans and non-binary communities. It also […]

Privacy and Protection in the Digital Age
Our first PD webinar of the 2022-23 school year is an important and topical discussion about personal online privacy. The session is led by Tiffany Wong, a legal and privacy expert from the Canadian financial services industry. With so much of our own and young people’s lives existing online these days, it is important to […]

Top 5 Significant Cases of the Past Year – SLI 2022
The Ontario Justice Education Network is offering a free online session featuring the Honourable Justice Lorne Sossin of the Ontario Court of Appeal. Each year at our annual Summer Law Institute, a leading Ontario academic or jurist presents five Canadian legal decisions from the previous year that they feel are of the greatest importance and […]

Justice Centres: From the Courtroom to the Community
The Ontario Justice Education Network will be providing a webinar on Ontario’s Justice Centres. These centres are part of a new and innovative strategy to move justice out of traditional courtroom settings and into community, help connect vulnerable and marginalized persons with wrap-around services and treatment, and disrupt cycles of offending. Speakers of varied backgrounds, […]

Free Virtual Tour of Osgoode Hall
The lunchtime tour of Osgoode Hall, a regular feature of the Summer Law Institute, has also gone virtual! Join us as curator, Elise Brunet, takes us through this heritage home of the Ontario Court of Appeal, Superior Court of Justice, and the Law Society of Ontario. The videoconference tour consists of a presentation combining high […]

Supporting Youth Without Immigration Status
Justice For Children and Youth (JFCY) legal clinic’s Childhood Arrivals Support & Advocacy (CASA) program will be providing a webinar on being aware and inclusive of students with precarious or no immigration status. Young people brought to Canada as children and are living without immigration status can face significant uncertainty in their lives. In this […]

R. v. Sullivan: Extreme Intoxication as a Defence
R. v. Sullivan centres on the use of extreme intoxication as a defence in a criminal case. The Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) unanimously concluded that section 33.1 of the Criminal Code of Canada, which states that self-induced intoxication is not a defence, is not constitutional. The release of their decision reverberated through many different […]

Non-Consensual Sharing of Intimate Images
The Ontario Justice Education Network is offering a free online webinar at our annual Summer Law Institute. In this session, teachers will explore legal issues around the non-consensual sharing or publication of intimate images. Representatives from the Reclaim Pro Bono Project will talk about technology-facilitated violence (TFV) and the civil and criminal remedies that you […]

Adults vs. Youth: Different Concepts of Justice in the Criminal Law Context
In Canada, criminal matters are treated differently depending on the age of the person who has committed the crime. Trial lawyer Jennifer Brevorka from Henein Hutchinson LLP explores the guiding legislation and legal principles underlying these differences. Using recent cases as examples, Jennifer discusses Canada’s view of justice, accountability, punishment and rehabilitation along with the […]